Jan 23, 2021Liked by Megin Jimenez

Ok first of all Move to madison for six months!!! It’s where I moved two years ago and I love it! (Ok maybe try to take the class in the fall semester and come before in the summer - winter can be a bit brutal 😅). Second, corazón tan blanco is also one of my faves! Third, you should totally read House of Leaves. It is really fun and honestly one of the very few books that I found actually scary !! Fourth, I hadn’t heard of the David shields and am immediately adding it to my list !!

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Also I am clearly lacking in human contact to talk about books with because j am overusing !!!! 🤣🤣

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As for collections of essays (I am using this term loosely here) that have changed my life, you probably have read some of these but: 1) Slouching towards Bethlehem, by Joan Didion 2) 300 arguments, by Sarah Manguso, 3) Seven pleasures, by Willard Spiegelman, 5) Bluets, by Maggie Nelson 6) The four loves, by C. S. Lewis 7) 23 things they don’t tell you about capitalism, by Ha-joon Chang, 8) The self unstable, by Eliza Gabbert, 9) Traité de savoir-vivre à l’usage des jeunes générations, by Raoul Vaneigem, 10) La pesanteur et la grâce, by Simone Weil (which is my “livre de chevet” of all time). Honorable mentions to Voyage sur Un fantôme: Rome, le scooter et ma mère by Jérôme Orsoni, Citizen by Claudia Rankine, Nothing good can come of this, by my friend Kristi Coulter, Female Chauvinist Pigs, by Ariel Levy, L’excès-usine by Leslie Kaplan, 24/7 by Jonathan Crary.

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Wow, thank you so much for all of these, Sarah-Louise! And it's great hear what you think, you're not overusing. I miss these conversations so much, too. I've only read the Didion and Maggie Nelson from your list. Elisa Gabbert keeps coming up from various directions, as does Manguso, so they're definitely on the list, and I will look into the others. It's always intriguing to hear new names (like Orsoni I've never heard of). I'm so happy that you feel good in Madison. Dan and I are dreaming of a long road trip from coast to coast when we can get back to the U.S., popping in and seeing everyone we know along the way. We'll put Madison on the list!

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